PARENTING: 3 Tips For A Successful Tee Ball/Baseball/Softball Season
You’ve registered your child for their age appropriate little league. You’ve purchased the cleats, the pants, the bat, the glove, and the helmet as suggested by the registration website. The opening day ceremonies are approaching, and you’re wondering, how the heck is this going to go for my child?
RESOURCE: 4 Activity Ideas for School Vacation
For parents of school-aged children, April vacation is fast approaching, which means many of us are scrambling to figure out how we’re going to keep our kids busy for a whole week while also trying not to break the bank.
PARENTING: 5 Reasons to Enroll Your Child Without Disabilities in Inclusive Sports Classes
Have you considered trying inclusive sports? If your child doesn’t have a disability, and you’re not sure what the benefits of inclusive sports classes, like Inclyousion Sports, might be, keep reading!
There are five benefits of inclusive sports for children without disabilities that we have seen
PARENTING: 3 Ways Parents Prevent Their Child's Sports Success - and How to Avoid Them!
Last week, Greg and I presented at UMass Boston in an adapted physical activity class taught by Lisa Drennan, founder of Merge Consulting.
RESOURCE: Our Most Loved Sports Equipment
Following several parents’ requests for where to purchase equipment from our Danvers, MA classes, I wanted to share Coach Greg’s Most Loved Sports Equipment list in honor of Valentine’s Day.
PARENTING: How to Bring Inclusive Sports to Your Community
If you’ve seen our introductory posts on our professional and personal motivation for starting Inclyousion Sports, you may be thinking “Ok yes I’m in, how do I sign-up?!”. Our current in-person class offerings are here . Nearly all Danvers classes are at capacity and our new Spring 2022 classes in Peabody and Revere have limited availability, so if you’ve been thinking of joining, don’t wait! Once we’re full, we’ll be implementing waitlists until further expansion is possible.